Help Us Help Them

 100% of all donations go directly to caring for the animals

Donations of any amount are much appreciated and help us to continue to help animals in need!

Donate with PayPal by clicking below

E-transfers can be sent to:

(Make sure to also send us an email that address with your info so we can contact you afterwards)


Amazon Wishlist: Check out our Amazon Wishlist here for much needed supplies!

Sponsor an Animal

By sponsoring an animal at the farm, you help provide the needed supplies and feed for them. We could not help the animals that we do, without your support.

How it works

  1. Choose the animal you’d like to sponsor (Our Residents)

  2. E-transfer the sponsorship donation to us at

  3. Send us an email to the email address above with your name, email address and animal you’d like to sponsor

Sponsorship options

Sponsor an animal for a year - $450 donation

You’ll receive:

  • A photo and bio

  • A certificate of sponsorship

  • An invitation for a private tour to come and see them in person!

  • A Second Chance Logo tee, size of your choice (small to XXL)

Sponsor an animal for a month - $50 donation

You’ll receive

  • A photo and bio

  • A certificate of sponsorship


Please note that while we are a federally incorporated not-for-profit organization, we are not able to provide receipts for tax-deductions.